'Pentax MX'에 해당되는 글 68
2013/04/05  수평선.  
2013/02/17  상륙 방해 지형 지물.  
2012/12/16  해무.  
2012/12/01  내 애마.  
2012/09/28  결.  
2012/07/05  무리.  
2012/05/03  제주마.  
2012/04/12  바다.  
2012/04/02  항해.  
2012/01/26  울릉도 갈매기.  
2011/10/01  울릉도 바다 전경.  
2011/09/26  뱃놀이.  
2011/09/12  독도에 가다.  
2011/06/22  금빛 해변.  (2)
2011/06/12  원근감.  
2011/05/31  self portrait.  
2011/05/26  바람의 언덕  
2011/01/22  端宗碑閣.  
2010/12/11  mountain  
2010/12/01  수문장 교대식.  
2010/11/12  straw  (2)
2010/05/27  girl.  
2010/05/20  케잌 먹고싶어..ㅠㅠ  
2010/05/16  가족모임.  
2010/05/06  선.  
2010/04/22  청평역 구 승강장.  
2010/02/11  하늘  
2010/02/02  커피가게.  
2009/11/25  빛, 길, 경계.  
2009/11/16  야생화.  (1)
pentax - MX/2012year.  2013/04/05 22:13

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 52
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2012年 7月 31日 ~ 2012年 8月 3日

2013/04/05 22:13 2013/04/05 22:13

pentax MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 52
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.
photo program curves revision.

2012年 7月 31日 ~ 2012年 8月 3日

갈메기에게는, 그냥 잠깐의 휴식터일뿐...

2013/02/17 00:42 2013/02/17 00:42
pentax - MX/2012year.  2012/12/16 03:05

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 51
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2012年 7月 31日 ~ 2012年 8月 3日

짙은 안개속의 풍광.

2012/12/16 03:05 2012/12/16 03:05
pentax - MX/2012year.  2012/12/01 22:43

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 51
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2012年 7月 31日 ~ 2012年 8月 3日

상륙 첫날,
안개 낀 사곳해변에서 내 애마와 한컷.

2012/12/01 22:43 2012/12/01 22:43
pentax - MX/2011year.  2012/09/28 18:05

pentax MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 VC / roll, No. 50
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2011年 10月 30日.

2012/09/28 18:05 2012/09/28 18:05
pentax - MX/2011year.  2012/07/05 00:47

pentax MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 VC / roll, No. 50
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2011年 10月 30日.

2012/07/05 00:47 2012/07/05 00:47
pentax - MX/2011year.  2012/05/03 00:10

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 VC / roll, No. 50
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2011年 10月 30日.

2012/05/03 00:10 2012/05/03 00:10
pentax - MX/2011year.  2012/04/12 02:08

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / ilford delta 400 / roll, No. 48
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

울릉도 가는 뱃 길,
2011年 8月 5日.

2012/04/12 02:08 2012/04/12 02:08
pentax - MX/2011year.  2012/04/02 00:17

pentax MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 NC / roll, No. 49
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2011年 8月 5日.

2012/04/02 00:17 2012/04/02 00:17

pentax MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 NC / roll, No. 49
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

2011年 8月 5日.

2012/01/26 19:57 2012/01/26 19:57

 pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 NC / roll, No. 49
*This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

울릉도 서쪽 바다.

저동항 -> 행남등대 가는 길목에서.
2011年 8月 5日.

2011/10/01 22:08 2011/10/01 22:08
pentax - MX/2011year.  2011/09/26 02:06

pentax - MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / kodak portra 160 NC / roll, No. 49
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

죽도에서, 울릉도로..
2011年 8月 5日.

2011/09/26 02:06 2011/09/26 02:06

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / Ilford delta 400 / roll, No. 48
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

독도 선착.
2011年 08月 04日.

2011/09/12 01:01 2011/09/12 01:01

pentax-MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 47

동막 해수욕장의 일몰.

2011/06/22 22:54 2011/06/22 22:54
pentax - MX/2010year.  2011/06/12 10:49

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 /ilford delta 400 / roll, No. 46


2011/06/12 10:49 2011/06/12 10:49

pentax MX / zenit tair-11a 135mm f2.8 / ilford delta 400 / roll, No. 45

2010년, 어느 날.

2011/05/31 00:16 2011/05/31 00:16

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 45
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

11월 4일, 매봉산 바람의 언덕

2011/05/26 22:46 2011/05/26 22:46
pentax - MX/2010year.  2011/01/22 23:27

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 44
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

11월 3일, 태백산 단종비각.

2011/01/22 23:27 2011/01/22 23:27
pentax - MX/2010year.  2010/12/11 10:52

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100 / roll, No. 44
This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

11월 3일,
태백산 천재단.

2010/12/11 10:52 2010/12/11 10:52

사용자 삽입 이미지

pentax MX
zenit tair-11a 135mm/f2.8
agfa vista 100
roll, No. 44

This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

서울, 경복궁.
10월 말 즈음..

2010/12/01 01:04 2010/12/01 01:04
pentax - MX/2010year.  2010/11/12 15:28
사용자 삽입 이미지

pentax MX
carlzeiss flektogon 20mm f2.8
fuji superia 1600
roll, No. 43

This picture was taken with the film that has passed expiration date.

부평 카페티아모,
여름 즈음.

2010/11/12 15:28 2010/11/12 15:28
pentax - MX/2009year.  2010/05/27 13:13

pentax mx / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / fuji superia 1600
roll, No. 41

부평 할리스커피,
민희와 함께.

2010/05/27 13:13 2010/05/27 13:13

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / fuji superia 1600
roll, N0.41
할리스커피 부평지점.

2010/05/20 13:10 2010/05/20 13:10
pentax - MX/2009year.  2010/05/16 09:46

pentax MX / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / fuji superia 1600
roll, No. 41
청평 외가집.

2010/05/16 09:46 2010/05/16 09:46
pentax - MX/2009year.  2010/05/06 00:06

사용자 삽입 이미지

pentax MX
carlzeiss flektogon 20/2.8
fuji superia 1600

roll, No. 41

9월 말 구 청평역.

2010/05/06 00:06 2010/05/06 00:06

pentax MX _ carlzeiss flektogon 20mm f2.8 _ fuji superia 1600
roll, No. 41
9월 말 구 청평역.

2010/04/22 03:44 2010/04/22 03:44
pentax - MX/2009year.  2010/02/11 16:04
사용자 삽입 이미지

pentax MX
carlzeiss flektogon 20/2.8
fuji superia 1600

roll, No. 41

9월 말 구 청평역.

2010/02/11 16:04 2010/02/11 16:04
pentax - MX/2009year.  2010/02/02 01:39

pentax mx / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / fuji superia 1600
roll, No. 41 - 9월 중순..

2010/02/02 01:39 2010/02/02 01:39

pentax mx / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / ilford panf puls 50
roll, No. 39 - 7월, 부천.

2009/11/25 04:46 2009/11/25 04:46
pentax - MX/2009year.  2009/11/16 01:51

pentax mx / carlzeiss MC flektogon 20mm f2.8 / agfa vista 100
roll, No. 42 - 9월 초, 오대산 등산로.

2009/11/16 01:51 2009/11/16 01:51
pictures (83)
mobile phones (14)
pentax - MX (69)
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